Young's 1880 Analytical Concordance To The Bible

I was listening to a preacher one time and he had mentioned a book that was written by DR. Robert H. Young called Hints and Helps to Bible Interpretation. He said it was no longer in print. I told God I wanted one and looked for it at various places for a long time. No one knew what I was talking about when I would ask. Once when I was on vacation for Christmas in California to visit my in-laws there was a Christian book store that had opened up near where the old drive-in used to be. I went in and asked one of the guys that worked there and as usual he said he had never heard of that but he would show me the used books that they had. I picked up an old concordance (1880) and to my amazement at the very front of the concordance there was a preface called Hints and Helps to Bible Interpretation! God is awesome! Since it is over 100 years old it is archived and available now to the public. You can use it by clicking the link above! Have fun and God Bless You!
